Saturday, April 3, 2010

CPL 2.0: Delicious

I first heard of Delicious a few years ago on the internet as a place where people stored links to their favourite fanfiction. Needless to say, I was somewhat surprised when the Calgary Public Library also started using it to store all of its Best Websites!

But this is what's great about Delicious: anyone can store anything and share it with anyone else. I am most familiar using tags (or 'labels', as I see blogger calls them) on blog entries. It works the same way as on Delicious, except you can only search the tags used within your own blog, to find all the entries tagged with one particular keyword, you can't search across all of blogger to find everyone who's ever used the same tag!

This is where Delicious is really helpful and interesting. You not only get to save your own bookmarks (which is all I thought it was used for when I first heard of it), you can browse everyone else's too. (You can also save yours as private if you really don't want your friends finding out you like fanfiction...)

I've looked through the Help section of Delicious, just to understand how it works. Some of the finer points on tag options are a bit confusing, but other than that, it is helpful to figure out how it all works. I still can't find the display options link though! I've found it fairly straight forward to use when helping a patron, the Canadian Citizenship tag bundle in particular! A few of the links I wouldn't go to Delicious to find, such as The Alberta Library Online, as it's quicker just to google it.

Overall, Delicious is well organized (oh how I like alphabetical lists!), yet open for every user's input. I will likely create my own account there at some point.

ps: You can tag/label your posts here, as I've already mentioned, with cpl 2.0 so that it's easier for the inspecting powers that be to find them. This is useful if you're blogging about a variety of things and want to find every post on a particular topic later. Just a thought!

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